Gun Podcast Episode 3: Deep Discussion about Ballistics and Stopping Power related to the variables that improve stopping power

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Gun Podcast Episode 3 – Why penetration matters in stopping power evaluation, and other things that help you understand lethality in self defense and hunting scenarios

Gun Podcast Episode 3 has some in-depth discussion about stopping power, and may not be suitable for extremely sensitive audiences – this is your trigger warning. We talk about the following: Human targets; animal targets; wound channels; violent crimes, etc.

In this podcast episode we talk about the factors that contribute best to total stopping power and how the physics and science of ballistics may not necessarily always give repeatable results in the real world scenarios where stopping power plays out.

Listen to this episode and you’ll be well versed enough to understand advanced lethality and stopping power topics.

You can view this podcast as a video on YouTube – Ballistics and Stopping Power Discussion

You can read the article that inspired this podcast on (we wrote this article and it is substantially similar)